Kyle Banks

AsyncImageDownloader Published to CocoaPods

Written by @kylewbanks on Oct 14, 2013.

I've just published my iOS and Mac OS library for asynchronous image downloading, aptly named AsyncImageDownloader, to CocoaPods.

With CocoaPods installed, setting up your project with the library is easy. Create a file called 'Podfile' in the root of your project, and enter the following contents depending on which platform you're developing for:

# For iOS
platform :ios, '5.0' # 5.0 and up is supported
pod 'AsyncImageDownloader', '~> 1.0.0'

# For Mac OS
platform :osx
pod 'AsyncImageDownloaderOSX', '~> 1.0.0'

With that done, run pod install from the root of your project, and then simply import AsyncImageDownloader:

#import <AsyncImageDownloader.h>

If you run into any trouble, check out, and for a tutorial on how to use AsyncImageDownloader, check out this post.

Let me know if this post was helpful on Twitter @kylewbanks or down below!