Kyle Banks

Filed Under #javascript

I haven’t spent a whole lot of time with React Native, mostly using it for prototyping or for quick tools I personally need. One common thing I seem to require though is a Modal component, and I was always thinking how strange it is that the Modal requires an onRequestClose callback on Android devices. It’s not strange to have required properties by any means, but the fact that this one property is Android only is...
In today's post, I'd like to share with you how I conditionally render components in React Native. Let's say you want to show a Log In button for unauthenticated users, and a Log Out button for user's who have authenticated. How would you go about doing this?
The more data you can collect about your content, the better suited you'll be to improve your content and grow your audience. Personally, I was curious what impact the length of my blog posts was having on the number of page views they received, so I set about tracking the word count of my posts in Google Analytics.
In this post I'll be going over how to create a fullscreen background image for your views in React Native. While I'll be focusing on fullscreen images in particular, this will actually directly apply to any background image, fullscreen or not.
In Part 2 we created the layout and style of the calculator, but it still doesn't do anything. In Part 3, we'll continue from where we left off by handling touch events, performing the arithmetic, and updating the calculator UI using State.
In Part 1 we went through the setup of a 'Hello, React!' application. In Part 2, we'll continue from where we left off and begin laying out and styling our calculator app.
React Native promises a whole new way of developing native Android and iOS applications, using (primarily) a single codebase based on the React framework for web. The idea is to write your core application in JavaScript and React Native will compile native iOS and Android applications.
Dockerton wraps the core functionality of Docker into an easy-to-use Node.js library. With Dockerton, you can generate Dockerfiles, build images, and run containers using a simple and intuitive JavaScript interface.
Today I open sourced Dockerton, a Node.js wrapper library for Docker. See how you can generate a Dockerfile, build an image, and run containers from an easy-to-use JavaScript interface.
lambda-uploader is a Node.js module for uploading a source directory to AWS Lambda as a function.
Often times when starting a project, I want a simple, cost-effective, and custom tailored system for tracking user events. In order to solve that problem, I created Metroid.
Here's a monkey-patch for JavaScript Array objects that allows an array of functions to be executed sequentially; that is, one after another. At the end a callback function is executed with an array of Errors (or null if there were none), and an array of responses, which can contain anything you wish.
XOR encryption (or Exclusive-OR encryption) is a common method of encrypting text into a format that cannot be trivially cracked by the average person. XOR encryption is great for storing things like game save data, and other data types that are stored locally on a users computer, that while not a big deal if they are tampered with, you would like to deter people from doing so. XOR encryption is also used often as a part of more complex encryption algorithms.
When developing for the web, many people use Google Analytics to track, you guessed it, analytical data about users. While the tool is great at what it does, one problem that consistently comes up is the need to keep development analytics from being tracked.
The Problem Browser security does not allow cross-domain AJAX requests. This means that a domain of cannot request using AJAX. A common solution to this is to use your server as a proxy, having it request the tweets and return it's response to your JavaScript. The problem with this is that you now have two network calls to wait for, and it requires a server-side language to implement. Is it possible to do...
Welcome to Part 1 of my Programming with Dart tutorial. In this series I will help you get started writing Dart code by teaching you the fundamentals of the language, and give you a little background on it as well. So, without further ado, let's get started.